Kyushu Taiwan Program Taught Programs (Autumn-Winter Semester, 2018-19)

In the Autumn-Winter Semester of 2018-19, the Kyushu University Taiwan Studies Program is offering three credit-bearing interdisciplinary courses on Taiwan, aimed primarily at undergraduate students. (These courses are in addition to the class on ‘East Asian Images of Japan: the case of Taiwan in Comparative Perspective, taught by Prof. Vickers in this semester.)

The three courses are:

The annual two-day ‘Taiwan Today’ (台湾事情) Symposium (December 15-16)

An intensive course on ‘Contemporary Taiwan Through Film’, taught by Prof. Tomita Akira of Tamkang University (February 11-15)

The annual Taiwan Field Work for Kyushu University students (March 10-17)

The poster below provides details of these courses in Japanese.
